Ahoy, mateys, although this year’s troop conference was a little different due to the hurricanes, the troop was able to shift their sails and forge on to plan their scouting year with some fun games thrown in to mix it up (Mr. Watson ended up with some amazing thrones to sit upon made out of whatever the scouts could find around them) and all participated gleefully (it’s a good thing too, otherwise they may have had to walk the plank). And oh, the grub was amazing (no scurvy in our mist) as well as all the booty strategically placed around the room, we even found some bottles with fantastic messages! Lastly, this ragtag group of pirates had the opportunity to steal their shipmates’ treasures if they so wished or they could try to find a better treasure at their own peril (the scuttlebutt is that many great treasures were stolen many times over and made for some not so happy pirates by their thievery in the end). All in all, this was another successful Troop Leadership Conference and Godspeed until next time.