by Briana | Feb 18, 2024 | Troop Events
For this Eagle Project, Chayton chose to provide a course for the Coast Guard ROTC program at Pinellas Park High School. This course included building a climbing wall, low-crawl and pull-up bars which will help with the fitness part of the program. And if you have...
by Briana | Feb 17, 2024 | Troop Events
For these service hours, the scouts did a beach cleanup at Gandy Beach despite the nasty weather (it was a rainy chilly day) and they also took part in a plastics study that Eckerd College was conducting for pollution purposes. These scouts continuously show the...
by Briana | Feb 9, 2024 | Camping
For this camp out, the scouts went on a hiking adventure and they hiked an impressive eight miles round trip with all their gear on them (the trail angels aka the Watsons left them gallons of water to rehydrate at the halfway point to their camp and the scouts were...