Before I write about the troop’s amazing tree lot, I want to write about all of the people within our community that support our troop so that we can continue to provide an outstanding program to our scouts. First, is the Seminole United Methodist Church for allowing us to utilize their property for a number of different things including our tree lot as well as housing our equipment, second is the American Legion Post 252 for allowing us to utilize their pool for swim tests as well as many other things and last, but not least, our new Charter the Veteran of Foreign Wars 4256 who graciously stepped up to help us in any way that they can since our partnership, we thank you all and appreciate all of your support! With that said, for the past few years, the troop has sold Christmas trees to help fund all the fun things that we do in our program throughout the year. Selling Christmas trees is no big deal, right? You would be wrong, the tree lot takes a lot of time and commitment from the entire troop, which includes the scouts, parents and the parents whose children have aged out and still show up to help (more hands, less work) from start to finish, well, if you want a successful one anyway and, in my opinion, ours was very successful! How successful do you ask? We sold 150 trees in only 8 days!!! Yes, you read that right, we sold out of trees in only 8 days and that’s another reason we appreciate our community as well as give back to it as much as we can!! So once again, thank you to everyone that helped out both within the troop and out so that we could have another successful year with our tree lot.