For the second scout’s Eagle project, he chose to replace six benches that were in bad condition in the dog park at Walsingham Park. This project will allow visitors, if they choose, to sit and relax under the shade of the surrounding trees to watch their dog(s) romp around and play with their doggy friends without any worries as they are enclosed within a gated area. If you think that replacing six benches was a walk in the park, I assure you that was not the case; imagine multiple people removing the old benches (thankfully the concrete previously poured didn’t put up too much of a fight and the jeep driver with chains kind of helped too), multiple people digging the holes (there were a few measurement mistakes that had to be corrected, yes that meant even more holes were dug), multiple people measuring and cutting the bench sections, multiple people transporting the heavy concrete and so on to get the benches to their finished form. Oh, most importantly, as we were a hungry bunch from working so hard, there were also multiple people that went out of their way to provide us with a great lunch and drinks for hydration throughout the day to ensure that we could get this project to the finish line. But, again, if it were not for the troop’s all hands-on-deck mindset as well as all of the support from their family and friends, this project could have easily gone awry, especially, as we were racing the clock to finish before the afternoon rain started which we barely missed and I mean barely. Lastly, and in my opinion, a very important future project requirement, I respectfully requested that any digging projects should be vetoed for the foreseeable future (yes, I was part of the digging holes crew) as it was tough back breaking work for some of us older folk.