Troop 340’s 3rd Annual Troop Leadership Conference was a huge success.  New this year, the entire Troop was invited to attend, and everyone had an opportunity to work on their leadership skills and weigh in on things they wanted to do in the upcoming year. Friday night saw the Patrols engage in a “mock” camporee where they had to create a model campsite, camp gadgets, and create a Patrol Flag.  The evening ended with the presentation of the Patrol Flags and a filling Cracker-barrel created by our world-famous (well, in our minds) Chef Moore!

Saturday was filled with planning, leadership games, water games, and a lot of discussion about making 2022 a fun-filled year.  These discussions and games were all headed up by our Youth Leadership, with special recognition going to our TLC Chair – Dylan Phillips.  The evening then saw a “fine dining experience” that was Italian-themed, where our Youth Staff served our participants on the finest dinnerware with decorations and Italian music.  We ended our evening with a fun campfire and a lot of fellowship that went well into the night.

Not only should everyone be excited about a great year ahead, but they should also be proud of how our entire Youth Leadership leaned in and created a great plan!