At the height of the Scouting experience is Summer Camp!  This year was no different as Troop 340 heading to Canton, North Carolina, nestled between Pisgah National Forest and the Smokie Mountains to Camp Daniel Boone.

We started our week’s Adventure by visiting Sliding Rock, a 60-foot natural water slide that ends in a 8-foot deep pool of water that maintains a comfortable 55 degrees.  Most of us traversed down multiple times, while a few of us enjoyed watching their faces when they hit the pool at the end of the slide!

Upon arrival to Camp Daniel Boone, we spent a week across many areas; Scoutcraft, Handicraft, Ecology, Leadership (Eagle focused), Goin’ Great, Stockton Farms (Horsemanship and Animal Science), Shooting Sports and S.T.E.M. working on an array of Rank and Merit Badges.  In total, our Scouts earned 47 Merit Badges during the week. 

However, working on Advancement was just one part of our week – Troop 340 Spirit reigned supreme throughout the week.  Each day saw the Troop introducing our theme of the day at flags where we were always at the forefront of Spirit.  The themes ranged from Tropical, Superhero, Troop 340 Spirit, Christmas in July, and Patriotic Day!  On top of that, we took Wednesday afternoon off from all Advancement and spent time as a Troop doing a service project, making homemade ice cream, and enjoying a water-balloon fight stared by the adults.  Sadly, over 500 water balloons met an untimely end.

Troop 340 should be proud of all that they accomplished during Summer Camp 2021!